"I'm a moslem too" he said. it was a big surprise for me. I said happily, "I'm very glad to find a moslem in this country". It's like to find oasis in the middle of Sahara. And I think 'Assalamu'alaikum' will be the most beautifull word ever! :)

And another surprise was waiting for me that night. I just started to introduce myself to my new classmates in english (of course! because my zhong wen *mandarin* so poor :D) and somebody replied,

"Nama saya Indra"

Haha, finally I found Indonesian in my class. Thanks Allah. I hope another nice surprise are prepared for me and my friends also.

Jia You!!!!!!

Formosa Island 'G14 320'
Morning Glory

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Yang Punya...

Foto saya
A wife and insya Allah a future mother :D. Small figure, suka jalan2 ke alam terbuka, tp jg suka mendekam drumah dgn setumpuk film n buku. Kadang kalo lagi kumat juga suka berbuat hal2 gila bareng anak2 dodol :D. Oia, saya juga suka banget sama suami saya *eh, itu mah harus yak :p Ex.mahasiswi Mipa Matematika, yg sedang awut-awutan menimba ilmu lagi di negeri formosa, berasa salah jurusan (wktu S1 merasa gini juga sih) tapi ya wes dilanjutkan aja, sejak kapan sih punya ilmu itu ngerugiin :D a life, sky, photography and Pepnosaurus lover ^_^
