Refresh ur self !

If u have more time,,don't spend it too much.
I mean anytime we have a free time,,and don't know how to spend it..don't do something useless.
If u like n bored cause:

- Read some book , just try to do anything else that, u may try to cook some meals from receipt book.

- Watching TV. Usually it makes our eyes tired. Try to see something green, or aquarium . I think it makes ur eyes relax.

If u don't like anything to do try to do something.

Actually what i mean is try to do something that u seldom or never do. Try it!

And one again,,, If u don't want laziness back to u, the tips is
LAZY to do LAZY.

Selamat mencoba ya.. Ato klo masih bosan sering2 aja visit situs2 baru/blog org lain, kadang tulisan yg bentuknya curhat n laen2 bisa menyenangkan lho..contohnya

Liat ke bawah,,

Bawah lagi,,,

Belom keliatan?

hehehehe,,,ni dia

Bwat orang gemas ya...

ngapain tu?
that is one of depress reaction. Hehehe

beautifull right?

amazing night..tafakur yok! Eh coba deh liat gambar dbwah terus2an..

Pening? get headache? hehehe..Sengaja! Whehehehe

To be continue...

I'm bored..little confuse
Although this is our holiday, everyday everyone wants to go to campus. But, as u know when we must back to campus---- study and begin new term---- we get our seurious 'disease' ---laziness--- back, hehehe.

Hhh,, aneh aja tiap hari ke kampus tapi kerjaannya cuma ngenet, gak ngerti deh pikiran semua orang kok bisa sama ya? Ngenet sampeeeeee sore. Padahal drmah tu kerjaan numpuk,,,Wewewewewe.

Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.

Yang Punya...

Foto saya
A wife and insya Allah a future mother :D. Small figure, suka jalan2 ke alam terbuka, tp jg suka mendekam drumah dgn setumpuk film n buku. Kadang kalo lagi kumat juga suka berbuat hal2 gila bareng anak2 dodol :D. Oia, saya juga suka banget sama suami saya *eh, itu mah harus yak :p Ex.mahasiswi Mipa Matematika, yg sedang awut-awutan menimba ilmu lagi di negeri formosa, berasa salah jurusan (wktu S1 merasa gini juga sih) tapi ya wes dilanjutkan aja, sejak kapan sih punya ilmu itu ngerugiin :D a life, sky, photography and Pepnosaurus lover ^_^
