Sometimes, just thinking about it make something inside me beats a lil bit faster than usual. As today the temperature goes down and reaches 12 degree, just think and see it make me feel warmer :D. Even though it looks so untidy, mess up and not so clean at all. I still like the way I feel toward it.

But, sometimes I'm just afraid to think about it and say that I like it so much, afraid of loosing the feeling because I express it so often. Almost all the time I cannot stand to just express it, then guilt approaches me at the end. Always. Then I start to think, maybe it's better for me to keep the feeling inside, save it, and use it when I really need it.

While I'm typing this short 'mess up' English writing about it, something inside me become warmer and warmer :D

1 komentar:

Wo hen hao muti mei mei :D..itu tulisan dr fb dipindahin ke blog ini, biar ada back up,haha. Jia you muti sama skripsinya yaaaa :D

Di taiwan cuman ada musim dingin, tapinya gak ada salju, kecuali di gunung tertentu,hahaha.

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Yang Punya...

Foto saya
A wife and insya Allah a future mother :D. Small figure, suka jalan2 ke alam terbuka, tp jg suka mendekam drumah dgn setumpuk film n buku. Kadang kalo lagi kumat juga suka berbuat hal2 gila bareng anak2 dodol :D. Oia, saya juga suka banget sama suami saya *eh, itu mah harus yak :p Ex.mahasiswi Mipa Matematika, yg sedang awut-awutan menimba ilmu lagi di negeri formosa, berasa salah jurusan (wktu S1 merasa gini juga sih) tapi ya wes dilanjutkan aja, sejak kapan sih punya ilmu itu ngerugiin :D a life, sky, photography and Pepnosaurus lover ^_^
